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I’ve had the opportunity to work with so many leaders in different kinds of situations, and it’s surprising how many get stuck on the “big picture” terms of Purpose, Mission, Vision, Goals, Values, Principles, Strategies, Priorities, and so on.

You might even be surprised where I end up with today’s message.

In my own language, I tend toward what feels like the natural English definition of the terms:

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As a leader, you probably spend most of your day responding to stuff. There are a million little things which demand immediate attention – many of them small and quickly dispensed with.

It makes you feel important, because you’re busy all the time. We’re all busy.

But busyness is not productivity. Productivity is launched from having actual thought leading to useful activity.

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A lot of the people I’m working with are immobilized. These are smart people, experienced. But we’re faced with a situation that few of us have ever seen in our lifetimes.

Everything is uncertain. We’re dealing with a virus and recession with no reliable projections for resolution.

Literally nobody on the planet knows what the next six months will look like.

So how do we make decisions in this environment?

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Get Coached Podcast with Chris Ippolito
Play the podcast here!

I had the opportunity recently to have a great conversation with Chris Ippolito on his podcast. Chris is interviewing a wide variety of coaches, spreading the word about the amazing positive impact that this profession is having in the world!

Check it out here.

It may seem like the forces of darkness are out to get you. I feel like that myself sometimes.

If you have a deeper purpose or vision, though, you can cut through the darkness because it’s always available to you.

It’s even more fascinating to me that my light of inspiration can affect others even more than it does me. It’s infectious.

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SOME CONVERSATIONS are more confused than helpful. Nothing seems to be working. I don’t think I’m making progress.

I’m sure you go through times like this too.

My personal coping strategy is to step back, breathe, and try to see the bigger picture. That’s easier to say than to do, of course, but I try to give it a go.

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HERE’S AN INTERESTING THOUGHT: In the mountains, the haze lies in the valley. To see further, you have to hike up.

It’s a wonderful metaphor for business.

Yes, you have to get down in the details; that’s where the progress is made. But it’s quite possible that you’re going in circles down there, so you have to pull yourself out occasionally to look at the big picture.

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The market is shifting.  Regulations are up in the air.  Partners can be unpredictable.  Employees are, well, human.

As a business owner, your job is to create some stability despite all this shifting sand.  Sorry to give you the bad news, but it’s the only way you’ll make progress.

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If you think about it, though, the list of problems to be solved and tasks to be performed is ALWAYS infinite.  Infinite in the sense that it extends beyond our ability to keep them all in mind.

So it’s not a problem that’s unique to you.

But how do you stay away from getting depressed and paralyzed?

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STEVE MARSHALL BILLS HIMSELF as a “Transformation Enabler.”

At least that’s what it says on his business card.

What he really does is to work with  leaders on strategic planning, organizational development, managing change, and executive coaching.  It’s similar to my own coaching practice, but he tends to focus a bit more on larger companies and more complex organizations.

As you know, my website here is dedicated to business owners who are living in a different paradigm.  We’re making money, sure, but more importantly we’re improving the world through our work.

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