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You know you should.

But there’s so much to do! So much to pay attention to!

Disconnecting is good for the soul. Do you have a time every day where you give yourself permission to disconnect from your business?

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As a leader, you probably spend most of your day responding to stuff. There are a million little things which demand immediate attention – many of them small and quickly dispensed with.

It makes you feel important, because you’re busy all the time. We’re all busy.

But busyness is not productivity. Productivity is launched from having actual thought leading to useful activity.

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Leading in business is about planning. Creating plans, executing plans, and monitoring progress against those plans.

Here’s the problem: creating plans is about the future, then everything after that is about living in the past.

When are we ever in the present? Here’s why that’s important:

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We all feel blown around by events, I get that. The employee called in sick with no warning. That customer is being a total pain. You just found out that the health care costs will be going up next year, and a lot more than you expected.

When you’re reacting to each of these, how are you showing up? It’s a question that we often don’t think about – or want to think about.

But it’s in these daily interactions that you’re showing the real character of who you are.

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SOME THINGS ARE really hard to nail down.

One of the biggest examples is how complicated business decisions are made, like taking on a partner or promoting an employee. There’s this amorphous mix of logic, feelings, history, and unique factors you never would have planned for.

When this happens, there’s a good chance you’ve gotten too immersed in the details, and need to go up a level.

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here are days when it all feels hopeless.

I get that; it happens to all of us. The question is: how do you know when to pull the plug entirely, rather than just suck it up?

Here’s where you want to start:

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THIS WEEK INCLUDED THE SUDDEN DEATH of two people in my circle of family and friends.

It gets you thinking. And praying.

This is when you realize that the world doesn’t begin and end with your business, your job, your activities.

It’s the kind of wakeup call that happens when you have a heart attack or big cancer scare.

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