There are just some questions that just might be too scary to put out there.

This can be especially true if you’re a worker with relatively little power. When something looks just a little bit “off”, are you willing to ask to find out more?

Instead, we might deflect with “I guess that’s just the way it’s done” or “It’s above my pay grade.” Now, I get that – why risk a harsh response to a question that you may not be able to do much about anyway?

But the more you have responsibility for decisions, the more you need to get comfortable with asking some uncomfortable questions.

I’m not saying that you should spend your entire day asking questions which just annoy people and you can’t do anything about anyway. That’s exhausting, like the 2-year-old who seems to know nothing but the question “WHY?”.

But for places where you have responsibility, where asking the tough questions could lead to breakthroughs, go for it.

Then listen to the answers. You can still choose whether to believe them. But asking the question can lead to important insight.